May: The month of solidarity

In this new month that begins, recompose and revitalize your desire to help those who need it most. These verses will illuminate how to help to everyone.

“Let us, therefore, make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” Romans 14:19

Exacerbated individualism leads us, inevitably, to selfishness. But we must know how to differentiate between individuality and individualism.

God has created us unique and inimitable and, at the same time, from that uniqueness, we are part of the same body: The Body of Christ. We are essentially different, we may have different realities, different optics, and stories, but our paths lead to only one place: Glory and Salvation in Jesus.

Therefore, it is of vital importance not to fall into arrogant behavior, using our individual condition to contribute the best of ourselves for our brothers, enriching the community with the different aspects that each child of God can contribute.

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” 1 Corinthians12:4-6

A good exercise is to reflect on our conduct, keeping watch over our individualism. It is fundamental, at times like these, to seek the Word of the Lord in the Holy Scriptures from the heart and to surrender ourselves to the Power of Prayer so that from our individuality we can seek edifying stimuli for our neighbor.

The commitment that our almighty God asks of us is to one another, especially in works of love. Let us keep in mind that life in the community completes us as children of the Lord.

The way we relate to other human beings as more supportive and equitable brings us closer to the purposes of our Savior.

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12

Individualism emerges without even realizing it and directly threatens the union between brothers, since it obscures our peripheral vision, preventing us from seeing what is happening to or what the other person feels.

How do we recognize that our behaviors are beginning to mutate towards selfishness and pedantry?

When we place ourselves and our interests above everything else, when we think that we do not need anyone, raising egocentrism as a method of action, we stop being individuals and become individualists.

When we naturalize this behavior, without realizing it, we separate ourselves from others, generate inequality, injustice, and lack of empathy. The results are catastrophic because the individualist ends up enslaved to himself, isolated from his brothers and sisters, and not recognizing the importance of community in the Holy Scriptures.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves ". Philippians 2:3

Let us lean all our Hope on the Lord to correct our direction and continue walking on the path that will lead us to hear His call. Let us surrender our hearts to His Eternal Mercy that will always give us a second chance.

Forgiveness, in cases of this nature, is of vital importance because when we use it as a tool to redeem ourselves, we get closer to the Lord.

God forges our character by urging us to face the challenges that life has in store for us. When we understand that the Highest is at the center of our lives, we can rest assured that we are never alone. Let us allow our Heavenly Father to guide us in His Goodness and Grace to recognize our imperfections, knowing that we are not exempt from falling. Let us look, with joy, through the eyes of Christ into the future that He holds for us as part of His wonderful Plan.

Daily verse: